Discover Your Pet’s Age with EpiPaws
Epigenetic Pet Age Testing with DNA from your furry friend.

Why Should I Know My Pet’s Age?
If you have a rescue pet or inherited yours, you may not know their exact age. It can be risky to raise a pet the right way if you don’t know their true age. When you find out your pet’s age, you will be able to:
- Give your pet the right food for their age
- Know how much exercise your pet should get
- Treat your pet preventatively for better health
- Give your pet a longer and happier life!
Find out the age of your cat or dog in four simple steps:
- Order You kit easily online
- Take 2 mouth swabs of your pet (you scrub some saliva with a big q-tip)
- Mail in your test using the return box (no need to print labels!)
- Get your results and find out your pet’s age in 4-6 weeks!

Who is EpiPaws?
We are a small company led and founded by me, Andria. I am an Epigenetic Scientist with a passion for animals. You can read more about how I started EpiPaws here. I can’t wait to help you find out your pet’s age!